VWAKS celebrates its 30th anniversary

  • Kunde: Versorgungswerk der Architektenkammer Sachsen
  • Location: Geschäftsräume
  • Personenzahl: 70

At the anniversary reception of the Versorgungswerk der Architektenkammer Sachsen (VWAKS), the focus was on the lavishly restored new premises of the administrative headquarters, their special architecture and the exquisitely coordinated interior design. The aim was to present and showcase this architectural gem to the invited guests in the context of an informal get-together.

To this end, we carefully coordinated the event equipment and technology, the catering in the form of a special flying buffet and a supporting programme of discreet live entertainment that each guest could personally experience. For the guests, it was a successful late summer evening full of inspiration, interaction and informal communication that provided new impetus for future collaboration.

A big thank you to all involved!

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